2 days |
$580 |
$635 |
3 days |
$685 |
$805 |
4 days |
$775 |
$915 |
5 days |
$890 |
$975 |
These prices are the price per month.
Half Day is from 6:30 AM to 1:00 PM. A Full Day is 6:30 AM to 6:00 PM. Children must be dropped off by 9:00 AM every day to participate for that school day.
Your child is enrolled for a set number of days per week. You will be charged for these days, even when your child is out due to illness. You will also be charged for the days that we are closed for holidays and staff training. Sequoia Christian Preschool charges tuition by the month instead of the week. Therefore, tuition is the same amount for those months that have five weeks. This is intended to offset the cost of tuition for those days that we are closed.